Your Name: Lisa Sorrell

Business Name: Sorrell Custom Boots

Type of Business: Clothing & Accessories

Business Location: United States

U.S. State: Oklahoma

Facebook sorrellcustomboots

Reason for starting
Cowboy boots are a historic and iconic American craft. Best of all, they provide a canvas for self-expression, both for the client and the maker. I started my own business for the satisfaction of providing quality footwear that fits, and the joy that comes from learning a craft that’s been handed down through generations of other craftsmen.

Biggest Success
A few years ago I taught a ladies shoemaking class. I needed one more student and my 12-year-old daughter agreed to take the class. She discovered a passion for shoemaking and now at 15 she has a successful business making ladies shoes. Passing along my craft and seeing her working in my shop is my greatest success.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
It’s easy to find students who want to learn and start their own business but it’s hard to find a skilled craftsman who wants to work for someone else, so I work alone. My biggest challenge is making sure I have time to build boots while also teaching students, doing paperwork, spending time with my family, and traveling to promote my business.

Who is your most important role model?
I seek out stories of women who’ve started their own business and been successful. In my craft I have a position of leadership. I’d love to have a mentor but I find myself teaching and mentoring instead.