Your Name: Deborah Sweeney

Business Name:

Type of Business: Legal Business filings

Business Location: United States

U.S. State: California


Reason for starting
MyCorporation started with the goal of helping small business owners and entrepreneurs protect their personal taxes and save on taxes by helping them incorporate and form LLCs. It has evolved into a full-service suite of small business filing resources, including business licenses & trademarks. We also offer a business document storage solution.

Biggest Success
Purchasing the MyCorporation division out of Intuit was my biggest success. While the business was successful under Intuit, it was evident that it would thrive better as a stand-alone business. After purchasing the division out of Intuit, we were able to turn the business into one that is more nimble and entrepreneurial! It has been a true win.

What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it?
Management of my employees is my top challenge. I am an attorney by trade. I am more of an individual contributor. Thus, I work very hard on communicating with my team members. I used to lead by consensus, but I have learned that often a leader must make tough decisions whether the group approves or not.

Who is your most important role model?
My most important role models are my mom and my husband. My mom is the most patient, caring, hard worker I know. She taught me to trust and believe in myself in everything I set my mind to. It has served me well. My husband is my other role model. He is steadfast and calm and has taught me a lot about entrepreneurship and hard work.