Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers has worked as a journalist for some of the largest news organizations in the country over the course of her career, including CBS Local News and The Star-Ledger. She earned her B.A. in Journalism & Media Studies at Rutgers University. In her spare time, she enjoys singing with several ensembles in New York City and spending time with her son. Please contact [email protected] with questions or pitches.

Posts by Candice Helfand-Rogers

6 Major Money Moves Made by Women in 2018

We’re looking back on six multimillion-dollar business moves made by women this year. Read all about the cash these enterprising women either raked in or plunked down in 2018.

Raising Money to Bring Kombucha to Communities of Color

Entrepreneur Milan Jordan is the brewmaster behind Cultured Kombucha, a startup focused on bringing the fermented drinks to minority communities in the Washington, D.C., area. She’s crowdfunding in hopes of spreading the health and wealth.