Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers has worked as a journalist for some of the largest news organizations in the country over the course of her career, including CBS Local News and The Star-Ledger. She earned her B.A. in Journalism & Media Studies at Rutgers University. In her spare time, she enjoys singing with several ensembles in New York City and spending time with her son. Please contact [email protected] with questions or pitches.

Posts by Candice Helfand-Rogers

5 Crowdfunders to Watch – Stretch Goals

What happens when a crowdfunding campaign succeeds before it concludes? These five female fundraisers are showing their contemporaries how to take advantage of an enviable situation.

5 Crowdfunders to Watch – Taking Care

These female fundraisers are making people’s wellness a priority. Through their products and crowdfunding campaigns, each aims to provide innovative ways to stay healthy and happy.

Providing A Way Forward From Hate

Angela King, co-founder and deputy director of Life After Hate, helps former white supremacists and members of hate groups become productive members of society. With hate crimes on the rise in the U.S., can she help turn the tide?