Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers

Candice Helfand-Rogers has worked as a journalist for some of the largest news organizations in the country over the course of her career, including CBS Local News and The Star-Ledger. She earned her B.A. in Journalism & Media Studies at Rutgers University. In her spare time, she enjoys singing with several ensembles in New York City and spending time with her son. Please contact [email protected] with questions or pitches.

Posts by Candice Helfand-Rogers

Speaking to Transgender Customers

A growing number of companies are working to effectively, respectfully engage transgender consumers through ad campaigns and inclusive company policies. Experts explain why — and what it takes to get it right.

A Toast to the Future

The female entrepreneurs behind Republic Restoratives, a distillery in Washington, D.C., are hopeful that equity crowdfunding will help them expand their venture.