Colleen DeBaise

Colleen DeBaise

Colleen DeBaise is former small business editor of the Wall Street Journal. Her most recent book is “Start a Successful Business.” She has also written about the rewards and challenges of entrepreneurship for Inc., Entrepreneur and BusinessWeek, among others. She has been interviewed on MSNBC, Fox, CNBC, CBS and NPR. Colleen has a master’s in journalism from Northwestern University. Contact her at [email protected].

Posts by Colleen DeBaise

Ep. 33: Instead of Building a Wall…

Lost in the politics of “build the wall” is how to help families in Central America. In this inspiring podcast, we talk to Kate Curran of Boston, whose School the World builds schoolhouses in Guatemala and Honduras.

Ep. 32: Let’s Hear It For Honeybees

In this podcast, we explore the plight of the bee and talk to Kristy Allen, a beekeeper and advocate who is running a thriving business, The Beez Kneez, in Minneapolis.

Ep. 31: The Happiness of Reading

Did you know that opening a book for the joy of it floods us with good feelings? Rana Dajani created We Love Reading to foster a love of reading in young people.

EP. 29: Helping Native Women Heal

In Seattle, Norine Hill, who is a member of the Oneida Nation of the Thames, has founded Mother Nation to help women out of abusive situations and bring them culturally appropriate services so they can rediscover their strength.

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