Victoria Flexner

Victoria Flexner

Victoria Flexner is the editor of the 1,000 Stories Project and more recently helped launch, 1,000+ Stories Project. Victoria has a background in food and history. She is the founder of Edible History, a historical supper club based in Brooklyn and author of "A History of The World in Ten Dinners" to be published by Rizzoli Fall 2023.

Posts by Victoria Flexner

Miko Garry: Custom Ice Cream

“Our customization of ice cream allows anybody to pick the ingredients – it’s something that our clients enjoy and also helps many individuals who have dietary needs be able to enjoy ice cream.”

Leah Kitoloh: Connecting Women Across Africa

“Once chapters are established, the members continue to connect and identify initiatives as well as fund raising opportunities that are specific to the chapter to make a positive impact on their community and economy.”

Julie Wilder: Cosmic Calendars to Align with Nature

“By tuning in to natures cycle – moon phases, meteor showers, eclipses, solstice, equinox and even planetary locations we begin to understand that we are all connected as we hurtle through the solar system on spaceship Earth.”