1,000 Stories

More than 1,000 women entrepreneurs from around the world have told us about their personal business journeys. Here are their stories, in their own words. Tell us yours!

Jacqueline Rivera: Pawfect Day, Inc

The disappointment of working long hours for someone and not being appreciated forced me to look beyond my situation. I was constantly drained and depressed.

Jennifer Downing: Nourish

A stay-at-home-mom of four, feeding them well is a full-time job. Planning meals and cooking from scratch on a budget are reflective of my time in the food industry.

Katie Niemeyer: Handana

Handana does more than protect my eyes: It has become a powerful reminder to cross my finish lines, to persevere.

Arline Saiki: ONEdersave Products LLC

We started raising fish and accidentally found this product from Japan that purifies water using beneficial bacteria. We tried it, it was fantastic and switched to importing.

Andrea Dent: Rebma Elyk Natural Skincare

Over the years I have not been able to find any natural products that worked well for my skin. Realizing that others were experiencing the same problem, I decided to become an esthetician and natural skin care product developer.

Amanda Neville: Three Furies

I’m a new mom, so I’m watching [Marissa Mayer] to see how she deals with the commentary on her dual role and how she manages the expectations and actual work load with the needs of her family.

Olivia Lizotte: Brix22

I was exhausted and tired of working in the legal field so wanted something more flexible. I sat down and made a list of the 5 most important things I wanted in life.

Erin Owen: EEO Balance Corporation

I originally started my business because I wanted to help busy professionals learn how to eat healthier & lead healthier, happier, more productive lives.

Barbara Singer: Full Metal Mamas Stand Up Comedy Show

I got through [3rd stage ovarian cancer] then adopted a baby… I had lost so much time to doing stand-up (comedy), that I decided to form my own group and include other moms who put stand-up on the back burner to raise kids.

Thea Myhrvold: IB Smart

After only a few months I have been featured in magazines like Cosmopolitan, which was a great honor. I am only 22, and for such a magazine to ask me for my advice was really fun!