1,000 Stories

More than 1,000 women entrepreneurs from around the world have told us about their personal business journeys. Here are their stories, in their own words. Tell us yours!

Salma Jafri: Word PL–Content Marketing From Home

My biggest challenge is to keep my work momentum going with my many daily distractions. I must have laser-like focus & be able to work in short bursts of concentration– & I have to train myself to do that every day.

Carolyn Lanzetta: Plum Print–One-of-a-Kind Art Books

The parents love the solution for storing everything and the children love the ability to access all of their creativity by simply turning the pages of their “published” book! This process has now given my daughter the most treasured book she owns – the one that published her own artwork.

Nadya Saib: Wangsa Jelita: Natural, Local Beauty

The spirit of introducing and producing truly natural personal care products remains the same, but the way we conduct our business has evolved – from a traditional profit maximizing business to a social enterprise that empowers local communities. I see success as a continuous journey where we keep moving, learning, and more importantly, improving.