Providing A Way Forward From Hate

Angela King, co-founder and deputy director of Life After Hate, helps former white supremacists and members of hate groups become productive members of society. With hate crimes on the rise in the U.S., can she help turn the tide?

How a Mother’s Grief Inspired a Mission

After the murder of her son, Monique Willis founded a nonprofit to help families cope with the loss of family members to violence. Through Momma on a Mission, she offers comfort, while sparking conversations between civilians and police.

A Fan Teams With Singer Martina McBride to Do Good

Through Team Music is Love, Sheila Jones leads fans of country star Martina McBride in “flash mob volunteering.” Together they tackle domestic violence, hunger and more through tour-stop activities and the power of song.

In Rural Uganda, Women Supporting Women

Seven Ugandan women farmers banded together in 2015 to found the Network of Women in Agribusiness and Development. They’re already giving hundreds of poor women in rural communities the skills and confidence to improve their lives.

How Celebrity Women Are Lifting Up The Sisterhood

Tory Burch, Sara Blakely and Eva Longoria are using their fame and fortunes to help other women succeed and to lift up whole communities. They are bright examples of the many women who use their success for good.

An Indian Startup Takes ‘Ugly’ Farm Food To Market

Since 2013, DesiVDesi has sold low-cost solar dryers to farmers in India and beyond, reducing food waste and raising farmer incomes. Now, it aims to take those dried fruits and veggies to the masses, co-founder Nidhi Pant tells us.

Three Good Women

The Story Exchange presents our shortlist of stand-out female entrepreneurs who run businesses that are not only doing well, but doing good in the world.

Afghan Women: ‘We are not Fragile’

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