Ep.20: Reinventing the Wheelchair

Technology. COLLEEN: Where exceptionally brainy people go to college. TISH: There are so many big problems that the world’s facing and, you know, many of them can’t be solved by…

Helping the World, One Dose at a Time

…desire to offer “compassion through skillful means” with the uBox. “It’s sort of a Buddhist principle of providing care for all using technology and empathy,” she says. “That’s what sets…

Her Rideshare Company Only Uses Electric Vehicles 

…instead realized her calling was sustainability and clean technology.  “I experienced life-altering chronic sickness the year before entering law school,” she says. “This started my journey into holistic health —…

Coming Together to Make an Impact

Editor’s Note: This is part of our ongoing look at the lack of female representation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. See all posts here. “These groups didn’t know how…