Ep. 39: Lighting Childbirth

…nonprofit media company that provides inspiration and information for women entrepreneurs. If you like what you’re hearing, check out our podcast featuring Celeste Mergens of Days for Girls, whose social

Giving Up Cardiology for Public Health

…to care for Boston’s homeless women, recounts how work with refugees in Cambodia forever influenced her life. “I wanted to do something that involved social justice and something that’s going to be…

Calling All Do-Good Female Entrepreneurs!

…inspire other people. At the same time, doing good is on the rise as a business value, visible in increasingly popular concepts like social entrepreneurship and the “triple bottom line,”…

Our Definitions of Success: Meaning Over Money

…Consider rising interest in “social entrepreneurship” and the concept of a “triple bottom line” that combines financial, social and environmental value in the measurement of business results. Women have helped…