Bozoma Saint John is Now Officially a Queen

…work as a top marketing executive at food and beverage company PepsiCo and rideshare app Uber. While at Apple, she gave a star-making presentation at the 2016 Worldwide Developers Conference…

5 Crowdfunders to Watch – Good, Quirky Fun!

…Alley) The Business: Catherine Walsh of Yummari, a Boulder-based, healthy-snack business, is working on what she refers to as “food for driven people.” After being diagnosed with celiac disease and…

Friday Four

…some Trump supporters (and Trump himself), bleeds into open racism. But to write off [white working class] anger as nothing more than racism is intellectual comfort food, and it is…

The Fight to Save Black Mothers’ Lives

Food deserts, lack of reliable public transportation, and even the long-term residual effects of racial segregation also compound problems with regards to Black women’s abilities to manage their health. All…

Friday Four

…she asserts. Simultaneously examining the subtleties of sexism in politics and her in own experiences in the tech industry, Schank provides great food for thought. Tina Fey Goes To War…