A Few Good Women

…young up-and-comers in 2014 and established mid-career entrepreneurs in 2015. This year, we took a different route, choosing instead to emphasize the social goals that drive many women business owners….

Study: Flirting Can Help Businesswomen Get Ahead

…Business Professor Laura Kray. The study, “Feminine Charm: An Experimental Analysis of its Costs and Benefits in Negotiations,” was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. “Women are…

Hillary and the Women’s Vote

…who may shift to Clinton in the general election, but inroads could be limited. While Democratic women are driven largely by economic issues and defending the social safety net, Republican…

Information as Empowerment Tool

…collected the entrepreneurial experiences of 1,000 women in 50 countries, say they started up for this reason. Many of the women in our study also seek to make a social

[REPLAY] Ep. 2: Creating Indiegogo

…go to a site like Kickstarter, or Indiegogo, or GoFundme — you create a campaign and then you share it with everyone you know, usually on social media. Today, we…

Podcast Transcript

…or Indiegogo, or GoFundme — you create a campaign and then you share it with everyone you know, usually on social media. Today, we are going to tell you the…