Shan Fazelbhoy: Kobo Art

…fact that we have actually been able to sell a few paintings! What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? The biggest challenge we face is to…

Roxanne Martinez: Roxstar Marketing

challenge is managing rapid growth. I’ve been surprised at how quickly my business has grown. I’ve taken notes from other successful entrepreneurs on how to address this challenge: outsource tasks,…

Marina Nani: A Home Away From Home

…better. Biggest Success: Biggest success?…yet to come! What is your top challenge and how have you addressed it? My self. For decades, I was my own biggest challenge and, now…

Chavalia D. Mwamba: A Niche Perfumery

…What is your top challenge and how you have addressed it? My top challenge was finding suppliers who specialize in low minimum-order quantities for my bottles, but, thankfully, I have…