1000 Arts & Entertainment

Sarah AbdelHafez: EduKitten

My Egyptian brother is living in the US and he has two children; a boy and a girl. And he’s always worried that they won’t be able to talk and practice their mother tongue which is the Arabic language…

Shan Fazelbhoy: Kobo Art

The biggest challenge we face is to change peoples perception of how they view art. We would like them to think of it as something that is for everybody and not as exclusive property as is currently viewed.

Angelina Sereno: Skybox Creative

I was in the design industry for 6 years prior to starting my own firm and wanted to do things differently…to create a fun company culture and ultimately to give back to world in a significant way.

Jackie Covas: Dance Dot

I was working as a professional dancer and finding a place to practice my tap dance routines while touring was nearly impossible. So, I created a portable tap dance board that I could easily take on the road with me.

Oussayma Canbarieh: Symage Media

I wanted to work on my own terms, be independent and feel empowered. I always wanted to own my business but I was scared to make the move. I thought: girl, stop being a chicken…it’s now or never.

Karin Chien: dGenerate Films, Inc.

To distribute films about China, made in China, by Chinese filmmakers to Western audiences. Also to support the growth of independent, uncensored cinema in China.

Harriet Alida Lye: Her Royal Majesty

To create and cultivate local and international communities; to connect passionate artists and writers; to get practical experience editing and publishing a magazine.

Jody Coughlin: Chic CEO, LLC

I started a small business with no idea what I was doing. Now, I am completely fulfilled in that we get to help women accell every day and champion female entrepreneurship!

Anne Zeiser: Azure Media

It simply came time to create Azure Media, producing transmedia projects ON AIR, ONLINE and ON THE GO that fuel impact IN COMMUNITIES, IN SCHOOLS and IN CAPITOLS