1000 Consumer Products

Michelle Tennen: iluvfabrix.com– The Fabric Of Life

After graduating as a designer from The Academy of Interior Design instead of making a career the conventional way for interior designers I decided at the age of 22 that I wanted to somehow specialize in High end design fabrics.

Ann Germanow: The Scensible Source Company, LLC

My product inspiration occurred in 2004, in the female restroom in my workplace. One day a sign was taped to the mirror, “Ladies: Do not flush tampons down the toilet-we cannot afford the plumbing bills!”

Gabriela Flores: Kirah Design

When I decided to become a social entrepreneur, I had 2 things in mind: how to give real job opportunities to talented artisans in Bolivia and how to create beautiful home accessories using only recycled or discarded materials and combining it with the amazing talent of Bolivian artisans.

Ann Adams & Liz Brensinger: Green Heron Tools LLC

Through our work as market growers, we recognized that there was a lack of tools that worked well for women. As public health professionals, we also recognized that this could impact the health and safety of women…

Ruth Degolia: Mercado Global

I believe that denying a woman the right to attend school anywhere in the world affects us all. Telling a young girl that she isn’t worth educating is an injustice against all women.

Mary Mitchell: Made & Told

We sell handcrafted homeware made by artisans and craft cooperatives in Central Asia, alongside stories from the cultures and contexts in which they were made. We sell handcrafted homeware with a story.

Aldona and Joanna: Gaiavita Ltd

We want Gaiavita to be an example of how to be transparent, ethical and to deliver organic, certified skincare with the results that women want!