1000 Healthcare, Wellness & Fitness

Bernadette Doran: Equilibrium Energy + Education

Because this is a vision and a mission, not just a business, it took tremendous personal sacrifice, including virtually every penny I owned, a huge amount of credit card debt, and many, many personal lifestyle adjustments.

Coletta Dorado: AZZLY

My mother taught me through her life and now her death. That is why I became passionate to bring about a better healthcare delivery system called AZZLY, for patients, for providers and for better outcomes.

Aline M. Betancourt: Wibi+Works

Carrying out innovative ideas from inception to the point of favorably impacting human health while not forgetting along the way to be a positive role model for those around me.

Jennifer Daly: Kinespirit

I define success as being able to touch people’s lives in a meaningful and positive way. This encompasses clients feeling good about their bodies, and also teachers feeling good about their skills.

Tawanda Story: Better Days Adult Care Center

Better Days was started because of after 10 years of working as a geriatric nurse, I had finally had enough. I knew that seniors had worked too hard for too long and needed to be provided for in better ways.

Sharon Starika: Sharon Starika

I was introduced to the Feldenkrais Method 29 years ago after a debilitating accident with a semi-truck. From my remarkable recovery, I found my passion for movement and realized that I wanted to teach others.