1000 Personal Services

Jordana Jaffe: Embarkability

I am inspired by people who have paved the way for their success and have been determined to achieve their goals no matter what.

Nathalie Molina Niño: Therapy for Business Women

I stepped down from a successful career in international business to study storytelling… and started writing love letters to women in business, hoping to provide insights I wish someone had shared with me along the way.

Kelly Drescher: The Highland Dog

I started my endeavor because I went through a divorce and wanted to change my challenging military/traveling lifestyle to a more “normal”, home every night life.

Payal Gandhi Hoon: Tamarainlp

I wanted to do something that would add value not just to my life, but to many others; to make a difference at a deeper level and bring a smile to many, by helping them realise their true potential.

Katie Hustead: Paper Moon Moves

I have always loved seniors and have volunteered with them for years, so I searched for a viable business that would allow me to help seniors.

Cristina Antochi: Team 2 Clean

I left home at the age of 19 in pursuit of a better life. Now in my 20s, I have my own successful business, with 23 teams of 2 working with me, having around 600 clients and going forward.