1000 Professional Services (Non-Financial)

Nellie Akalp: Corpnet.com

There is great satisfaction in answering the phone and talking to a new entrepreneur who is looking to incorporate or form an LLC on a brand new venture they’re starting out on.

Nermin Fawzi Saad: Handasiyat.net

I’ve started my business to find a way to help Arab Female Engineers to activate their certificates, since they are subjected to different kind of social rules, which may cause many of them to quit their jobs.

Michele Fried: Adoption STAR

I became a passionate advocate for adoption after my husband and I adopted our first child 25 years ago. The cumbersome system, regimented experience and the unwelcoming agencies encouraged me to find a better way.

Lillya Nashanchik: LNplus2

When I left my last full time position in 2008, I decided I had the skills, knowledge and contacts to build my own boutique recruiting agency.

Luz Garcia-Pennock: Lovely Gal Posh

With faith, savings and courage I decided that as my name is Luz (light in Spanish) I was to live my life following my light and passions to support people to follow theirs.

Deborah Sweeney: MyCorporation.com

MyCorporation started with the goal of helping small business owners and entrepreneurs protect their personal and save on taxes by helping them incorporate and form LLCs.

LaVon Dennistoun: The Women’s Excelerator

Our most important roles models are the countless women entrepreneurs who have a dream fullfilled by owning their own successful business. They inspire us to do what we do each and every day.

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